

The first idea behind the tshirt was to make one to wear for bouldering. The idea of having the IKUZO printed on the back refers to both the and what they shout during bouldering to cheer each other on (ALLEZ!, JIAYOU!, GANBARE!). I used the rocks from the rock storm elementals trait to create the climbing theme, while still keeping it within the style of the

After showing the designs, I received a lot of feedback. Some were minor to create more depth to the graphics or reduce the size of the print itself, but others also asked to create a design for the other elements. Thought it would be cool to get a runner's tshirt of the lightning element, so this was the second design I created. The IKUZO is different from the other designs to give this "speedy" feel. Unfortunately, it's hard to get a good customised running tshirt, so I ended up using the same high quality tshirt as the earth one. But kept the design. After finding out that it might be tricky to print the glow around the lightning Azuki trait I figured that it would be dope to actually have the print glow; hence the glow-in-the-dark print.

Designing around the various elements was good fun as I got to appreciate the details even more on what the Azuki team has created. Now I hope you will also enjoy wearing this.